Earned respect and better influence

It was Albert Einstein who stated, “Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.” So how can I get people to listen to my ideas when they aren’t status quo?

I believe the answer to be that we must build respect by doing the quiet work that delivers value.

When we try to influence the room but lack the respect of those in it, we are viewed as difficult, self-serving, and generally annoying.

That respect, that status, cannot be given. It is earned. Like all real respect, you can have to merit it.

Work hard, over-deliver, and the rest comes with it. Influence, respect, and a certain amount of power to change systems and voice opinions that otherwise would have been ridiculed or fallen on deaf ears.

Sadly, too often, we skip the hard work part and demand respect, preferment, and influence. Your idea is probably good, but if you don't have the respect of the room, it simply doesn’t work.