Just because you’re smarter doesn’t mean you’re acting smarter right now. Smarter people are often tormented with the curse of paralysis by analysis more than any other group.
That person you think is dumb is kicking your butt because he doesn't get in his own way and he starts working toward his goal without overthinking and frightening himself.
Your hope of winning fades as quickly as your fear of failing grows. We have “nothing to fear but fear itself,” because fear of the unknown prevents us from acting.
But, uncertainty doesn’t last for long. Uncertainty at the start of something new ends very quickly. Meanwhile you're still sitting there thinking and convincing yourself that you'll start later (when you're "ready.") We learn the right way to do things when we start doing them and make adjustments while we go.
Inaction breeds unrest and anxiety. Inactivity causes you to lose your competitive edge. The man who starts; wins. Imagine what you would do if you weren’t afraid.