You’re not a “genius,” a “maker,” a “creative,” a “brilliant mind,” or whatever other labels they stick to you.
You are what you are because of the amount of work you put in and the strategy that went into that work.
Strive to be the one who pays attention to detail and who fulfills the mission at hand.
Don’t worry about buying the stock at the lowest price and selling at the highest price. Instead, buy or sell at a good price. You’ll be more successful than the guy who sits on his hands while waiting for a better moment.
Resist the urge for huge plans and ambitions. Your ambition should be a focus on the details and to put in work each day. Be a little better than yesterday. That will elevate you higher than your original plans.
As Paul Graham once said, “The way to do really big things seems to be to start with deceptively small things.”
Work harder.