What you focus on is what you become

If you can, in the face of some piece of terrible news, focus on something positive and find the good in it, you will find happiness that others think is impossible.

Most happy people will tell you that they are happy because of some set of circumstances in their life. “Life is good! We’re doing well financially, the kids are healthy, two cars, good job, nice house, etc…”

Most unhappy people would have the same position. Circumstances dictate how good or bad you feel.

I don’t think that is true, however. I think it is the inability to focus on anything except those bad circumstances that makes you unhappy. And the man with the good circumstances is a couple bad events away from stepping off a ledge.

When happiness level is attached to circumstances, you’re well-being is at the mercy of the material stuffs around you. If tragedy strikes, you’re left out in the cold.

If you get diagnosed with a terrible disease and you focus and worry about that medical condition constantly, you will destroy your life. And probably make it more difficult to recover, too.

Instead, find something joyful in life and focus on that instead (your hobbies, your family, your evening routine, hiking, swimming, anything you enjoy) and don’t allow your focus to be consumed by disease and death. You will be more happy and more healthy.

Train your mind to focus on the best aspect of the worst news. Relentlessly find positives and focus on what calms you. Don’t fixate your attention on bad things. What you focus on is what you ultimately become.