Two keys to speaking and sharing information

As a content creator and educator online, I have a great interest in the methods that are used to convey information in interesting and engaging ways. Two of the primary thoughts that I run into are:

  1. Speak and teach in an approachable way. Don’t be too technical with an audience of beginners and bore them, but don’t be overly basic with an audience of experts and offend them.

  2. How you speak and convey information is just as important as what you’re speaking about. The best story ever told, told in a dry and uninspiring way will leave the whole room bored to tears.

Whenever you’re able, learn who your audience is so you can share appropriate information in a way they can consume best. And speak in a way that is not scripted (even if your speech is written beforehand!) Speak with inspiration and passion, as though the words are coming to you in that very moment. This gives weight to your story and makes everything feel more immediate to the audience. It will also cause everything you say to have more impact and draw in those who are listening.