Turning creativity on and off

I think the most challenging part of doing creative work is being able to turn the creative part of your mind on and off when needed. The most brilliant artists throughout the history of the world were weird people because the creative mind is weird. It doesn’t take the obvious stuff for granted. Everything is possible and nothing is a guarantee.

I’m content being a moderately good artist and not being seen as that much of a weird person. Moderate creativity will have to do.

Turning my creative mind on is usually as simple as shutting off distractions of life, family, the news, social media, and stress, and taking half an hour to disengage from the world. Forget everything I assume and embrace a world of possibility.

Once you have a good idea, you have to get to work. Time to drink your coffee and become a boring structured adult like everyone else. Boring is stable and efficient. But boring isn’t creative. But boring allows you to make creative ideas become physical.

The creative artist that can travel between creative freedom to the focus and structure of real life is the creative that will have pretty good ideas and get a ton of work done over the course of their life.