The easy way to make mistakes and the hard way, too

It’s easy to make mistakes when you’re a beginner. You expect it and anyone who may be watching you expects it, too. If you put forth a great effort and you find yourself genuinely disappointed that you made the mistake, everyone will usually look at you with some level of understanding.

But to make mistakes when you’re a pro, that’s a different story.

You look stupid and you think you will lose the respect of those around you who hold you in high regard.

You will feel exposed and even a little sick when faced with a change that will challenge you to learn something new and maybe expose you as vulnerable.

If we want to be innovators, we must make the sacrifice of looking dumb or acting unskillfully while learning or trying something new.

Imagine how much our life would change if we committed to learning and mastering one new skill every year and committed time, money, and resources in our business to exploring one new experiment/investment/venture every year. Big things.