The curious child is annoying

They ask a million questions and they challenge things that don’t make sense to them. Because of this, we strangle curiosity in the cradle of our children’s lives and teach them that it’s best to stick to the safe roads of accepted norms.

Like much of reason and rationale, the concern is for the momentary relief and betterment of man’s condition right now, but little regard is paid to the future of the human race as a whole.

The child’s curiosity fuels the wellspring of any genius he or she may possess across their adult life.

Curiosity opens a door to freedom but leaves one at the risk of looking stupid. Better to appear stupid, than to trap your mind in a cage.

What would happen if children were able to embrace their curiosity, rather than have a biting response to every dumb question? Could our sacrifice of time and energy to answer the curious child become a boon for the whole of society?