Strike while the iron is hot

Don’t burn your opportunities in exchange for temporary comfort. Instead, we must be willing to make sacrifices and tolerate some discomfort in the short term.

When we choose to procrastinate or avoid difficult tasks, we may experience a momentary sense of relief, but ultimately we are sacrificing our opportunities for growth and success. There is little deep satisfaction from the distractions that keep us from working hard on the opportunities that we have.

Instead of seeking temporary comfort, we should focus on the long-term benefits of hard work and perseverance. We all probably know this. The key is analyzing our behavior to find the weak spots, then building barriers to help keep us from those fears and distractions, and finally, we ought to slowly build habits that push us to a more structured and disciplined lifestyle. (Hint: Achieving productivity is behavioral, not a product of circumstance.)

By staying disciplined and committed to our goals, we can avoid burning opportunities and achieve better productivity.