Small fears breed big fears

Avoiding what we fear is the gateway drug to being afraid and anxious about more things. If you allow yourself to avoid some job, interview, opportunity, or interaction because you’re afraid, you’ll soon find yourself afraid of many more things.

Every imagination will become a bogeyman and you’ll self-destruct under the weight of your anxiety. It’s been a large part of my slowness in regaining my form on YouTube and making the videos and educational content that I love. I gave in to some of my fears years ago and it’s led to the past three very difficult years of work for me personally.

But I am no longer afraid and I force myself to confront everything I fear. I should fear none of it and I have no right to fear any of it.

The small fears are my particular focus because they turn into big fears. If I overcome small fears, I will overcome the bigger fears.

It doesn’t matter if I don’t want to do the work. That’s exactly the reason why I must do the work. Fear must be rooted out–especially when it’s utterly irrational.