Personal decisions vs. business decisions

In personal decisions, we’re concerned about how things feel right now so we make radical changes without deep consideration of how things will be in five or ten years. Running off to start a new life is fun for the first 18 months, miserable for the next half-decade, and simple suffering thereafter. The concern was only about the feelings at the moment, and not where you will be in ten years. A fatal flaw.

With business decisions, we often have the exact opposite approach. We let great opportunities slip by because we're afraid of the future. What if the company revenue is bad in the next five years? Should I still sign that new lease? Should I approve that new budget?

Business decisions should be made with a focus on the now with only a slight peek at the future. Things good for business now, are typically good long-term. However, personal decisions should be looking primarily at the future, with only a slight look at this exact moment. Suffer or do uncomfortable work now for peace and stability later.

Interestingly, they both follow the general axiom of suffering now for a reward later. (Short-term pleasure always comes at a cost. Always.) Business requires hard work, focus, and commitment now. Personal decisions require personal sacrifice now for ease later.

Funny how we make decisions.