I’ll admit, I’m guilty of this. It’s easier to commiserate on the annoying thing that somebody else does that “you just can’t understand.”
A few days ago I overheard a friend of mine talking smack about my blog posts. He said: “people who write blogs full of positive ideas and faux-self-help are full of crap and they really only do it for themselves.”
I am probably “full of crap” about lots of things, but that’s part of what makes learning new stuff more fun. Then I smell a little less crappy.
The friend is also correct when he says that I write these for myself. It’s my daily writing challenge and it allows me to play with thoughts and ideas that come to me while I read, ride(cycle), and think each day.
This reaffirms the reason I’m writing these posts and also that my friend can correctly identify things at first glance. I always knew I liked that guy.