Less pleasure is more fun

Chasing instant gratification provides instant, but low-value pleasure. This low-value pleasure becomes more addictive, but the more of it you crave and the more of it you get, the less satisfying it becomes.

As the chase for low-value pleasure consumes your life it leaves you with no satisfaction with any important work you do. All the important stuff (that doesn’t have the same instant gratification) is suddenly boring and you don’t want to do it.

Your life loses meaning and balance. You sink into a depressive state as you meander around searching for meaning and deep happiness.

If you cut the dopamine-intensive instant gratifications out of your life (drugs, alcohol, video games, porn, eating lots of sugar, social media attention-seeking, etc…) those boring things suddenly become much more rewarding. In fact, you’ll find satisfaction in simply doing those meaningful things that you once thought were too boring.

Less pleasure is more fun. It’s certainly happier.