The focused life is the best life there is. It’s a life from which satisfaction is derived at a level 100x that of fleeting hedonism or chasing a momentary dopamine high.
It’s a life spent improving yourself and contributing value to the community around you.
To live a focused and productive life we must leave behind the distracted masses, the sports, the daily gossip, the news in general, and most of your social media.
We must ruthlessly constrain our time and be careful not to give it away to every “opportunity” that arises. It will feel selfish at the moment, but if you do it to optimize your productivity and you are delivering valuable contributions, it’s much less selfish than it may seem at first.
Set aside time and sacrifice the next hour to work without distraction, background noise, checking email, or phone calls.
Do that four times a day. Watch your life change and see how much happier you become and how much more free time you have to spend doing things you love with freedom and comfort knowing you are contributing and adding value to the people around you. It all begins with leaving behind the distracted masses.