Keep moving (even when you’re afraid)

Keep moving especially when you're afraid. Standing still is the worst thing you can do.

There is an uncomfortable feeling that comes along with fear. The way fear makes your body feel. The hyperventilation and the coldness that washes over you.

The strange thing is that it’s not just life and safety that people might fear for, it's usually the small stuff. Things which are tiny in the grand scheme of things, yet sometimes we are stricken with a paralyzing fear in the face of these things.

The only chance of overcoming these fears is to genuinely believe that by standing still, we only guarantee that we will fail. We must know that and believe it because it is true.

There is nearly no circumstance into which you will be placed in your life where making the wrong decision means certain death. It simply doesn’t happen in normal life.

Overcome fear by ripping the mask off, examining the thing(s) you fear, and doing something. Do anything. Make a move and get going in some direction. Standing still means you’ve lost by default, so move as if everything depends on it (because it does.)