Just 30 Seconds

The hesitation we all feel before starting is usually the hardest part of the process. The drawing flows freely if we just start. The music flows forth from us if we’d just pick up the guitar. The run happens if we just get our shoes on.

To circumvent the hesitation associated with getting started, give yourself thirty seconds to do a menial task to jumpstart the work. I read about a guy named Bob McKim, who worked with the Design Program at Stanford University. His solution was to draw something in 30 seconds. Grab the pencil and GO. This chunk of 30 seconds doesn’t give you enough time to be overly critical or be paralyzed by the fear of starting.

You only have to draw for 30 seconds, but in that 30 seconds, you fall in love with drawing and this short time period is the spark that lights the candle.

Take 30 seconds and shut out the world. Take 30 seconds to do something small and jumpstart the important things.