It’s not about tomorrow, it’s about today

Focusing on how massive the change in life could be in 90 days is what we do automatically. “I could lose 20 pounds in 90 days!”

The problem is, that keeps the goal *over here* way out away from actually having to do anything right now.

We want everything to change right now. We want to make up for lost time and do ten years of lost work in a day. We can’t do that. We have to know and believe and be convicted that we can’t do that. That time, energy, and growth potential is gone. Forget about it.

You’re not going to lose weight over 90 days if you don’t focus on doing weight-loss stuff for one day first.

Focus on what you do today. Right now. Not the next 24 days, focus on the next 24 hours.

Make tomorrow 1% better than today, but make today 1% better than yesterday first.

Don’t try to make it 2% better or 10% better. Make it 1% better.

Take the time to build something and achieve the goal you want to achieve. Stop chasing lost time. It only costs you more time and is one of the lynchpins of procrastination.

Focus on today and what you’ll do today. NOTHING ELSE.