If you’re scared, be a conman

There is a particular scourge that many creatives face. It’s called imposter syndrome. Instead of rooting for yourself and supporting what you do, you convince yourself that you’re not that good. You tell yourself that you don’t deserve to have even the little bit of success that you do taste.

I’ve found that a good way to combat this roadblock is to embrace it and deem yourself a conman in terms of getting the things you want.

Imposter syndrome tells you that you don’t deserve that higher-paying job. Fine. I don’t deserve it, but I’m going to be a conman and pretend like I do and take the money anyway.

Imposter syndrome tells you that you don’t deserve that big purchase you’re about the make. Fine. I’m going to make the purchase anyway because I am a conman and I will pretend like I deserve to get it and am capable of making it.

When the imposter syndrome creeps in and makes you second-guess yourself fight back. Admit that you don’t deserve it, but be a villain and take it.