“How can I do that?”

“How can I do that?” and “How can I help” are two of the best questions to keep in your arsenal of communication.

“How can I do that?” is the question to ask when you’ve reached an impasse with a client, co-worker, or family member. It’s the question that both shows your interest in fulfilling their request, but also offloads the pressure on them to consider what they are asking of you.

“How can I help?” is the question to ask when you have the upper hand in any engagement. Maybe you’re the worker who knows the boss is trying to get her schedule cleared out before vacation. You have the time that she needs. Let her tell you how she can help.

“How can I help?” signals that you’re setting aside your preferences for a moment to subjugate them to the wishes of the person you’re offering to help. Not only is it a fantastically kind thing to do, but it can serve you well in life and business, too.