Focus on doing less to do more

When I run into a block of time where I procrastinate (this happens very often to me) I stop trying to do so much.

The trick is to get your mind started like one of those old cars that needed a spinning crank in the front of them.

Start small. Take an hour task and commit to working on it for five minutes. Almost always, that five-minute jump-start turns into a long focused block of work on that project.

Depending on how I am feeling, I will use five-minute or twenty-minute long blocks of time to “jump start” my brain. This helps to put aside the distractions or worries or whatever dumb thing my brain has decided is more important at that moment.

When there is a lot to do, focus on doing less, and somewhat paradoxically, you’ll do more.

I’m still on the road to being the best and most focused version of myself, but this one little trick has helped me along the way to be more effective and efficient in the hours that I work than almost anything else.