There is a terrible squeeze I feel at the end of each week. And then a tighter squeeze at the end of each month. It has happened a lot recently. The past two and a half years have not been friendly to me. My business sense and killer instinct have not been good. I can blame the pandemic, but I could have done a lot differently. I have been far too passive about things that I normally would have gotten after. But I’ve been fighting my way out of the funk and things are getting brighter. It will soon be a new day.
This squeeze happens on weeks when I don't finish everything I wanted to get done. And likewise at the end of the months when I know I could have been more productive and more focused on the important things.
Here I am at the end of March and I feel the squeeze. It’s a gentle compression in my chest. The kind of stress that is not good for you.
When stress is intense but limited to a set interval of time before you rest from that intensity, that stress is good for you and helps you grow.
When stress is slow, dull, and constant. It’s a relentless and deadly stress. It wears you down instead of building you up.
So I must find my way out of this funk and lessen the squeeze that the end of the month brings. I must and I will.
Also, what makes the end of the month any different other than the fact that we count years by stacking twelve chunks of 30 days together? Who cares if it’s the 10th or the 30th? Just get to work.