If you really, really don’t want to take responsibility there is always a reason not to take responsibility. Each one of us can find a convincing argument that assures us that it is absolutely unfair if we have to take responsibility. We "know" we're right in refusing responsibility.
But there is a big problem. People who don’t take responsibility as a default mode of action are not capable of success and they very rarely find great personal peace in life.
It’s not that they’re incapable of success or peace, they are. However, excuse-makers allow the world to happen to them, rather than taking the action required to happen to the world and make the success they wish to see. It is impossible to do something positive when you spend your time making excuses instead.
The excuse-maker finds very little peace because his life is typically plagued with three things. 1.) Bad things always happen to him. 2.) Bad things happen often. 3.) Bad things happen because of someone or something else. He is never to blame. Before he finishes bemoaning his first malady, alas! Here comes another!
The excuse-maker lives a life shackled by the actions of other people. He doesn’t take responsibility and therefore he does not take action.
If you find yourself complaining, blaming, or making excuses in order to “be right” know that your position is poisoned at its very root. It will not end well.