Chicken or the egg? Procrastination or the distraction?

I procrastinate very often. It’s the number one thing I am constantly working on improving. If I could cut my procrastination in half, I am certain my productivity would go up ten-fold.

I don’t know if the distractions that fill the time I procrastinate come first, or if the desire to not do the important work comes first, and then distractions just fill that time.

It’s all still strange to me. Procrastination has been the plague of my thirties. I used to be much more focused. That’s what leads to believe some fear of failure or not living up to expectations I’ve put on myself have led me to close off much more than I should and in that new, empty space, I run into distractions that fill the time.

The problem is that one day I will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things I’ve always wanted to do and fulfill the dreams and goals I have had. So I must get to work now and use the moments of time I’ve been given.