Blame the world, or don’t blame the world

Most of us know somebody who contributes all their failures to some greater conspiracy or an outside force that is the “real” cause of their problems.

If we’re honest with ourselves, we often do the same thing, but hopefully to a lesser degree. It’s very easy and very enticing to blame the systems around us for our shortcomings.

The things around us don’t hold us back, our perception of those things is what holds us back.

When we focus on the events around us and things that we cannot control, we choose to overlook the flawed aspects of our own lives and things that we can control (and improve!)

The stability and performance of our lives and companies come from paying attention to what can be improved upon within them, not stuff that we don’t like in the world around us.

It’s easy to get angry and blame the world. It’s difficult to look at ourselves and work to get better. However, only one of those methods brings improvement.