Battles with the resistance

As I think back on the past three and a half years, I reminisce on what have been some of the more difficult months of my life. Many things have contributed to the difficult moments, but I still can’t escape the many good things that have happened as well.

Probably the greatest thing of the battle with resistance (as Steven Pressfield would describe it) is the renewed vigor I have gained for working hard and prioritizing effectively.

My highest priority is protecting my ability to prioritize. That means doing the work I need to do every day to ensure I’m not crushed by urgent work that could have been fixed before it ever became urgent. Hard work first, optimization second.

If you don’t prioritize your life (put your needs first and organize your life,) someone else will.

Life has seasons of ease and brutality. If you can learn lessons in the brutal seasons, your seasons of ease will be a little bit better.