Are you willing to die for what you love?

I’ve only recently become a father (it’s fun) and one thing many folks are quick to say is “I’d do anything for my kids, I’d even die for them in a heartbeat” or any variety of that statement.

As I’ve grown into being a father, I agree with this extreme sentiment. I’d give my life in a second to save my kids.

To die for your kids is the ultimate sacrifice and the ultimate reactive act. If we apply that to business, I can’t help but be reminded that being reactive in business is horrible. It’s painful, stressful, and not a fun experience for anyone involved.

How do we take the extreme reaction of “dying for our kids” into a pro-active allegory that we can apply in business and life? Simple. Think about it like this:

You’re willing to die for your kids, but are you willing to live for them?

You’re willing to put it all on the line for your business, but are you willing to put in the work beforehand and build your business?

How many do-or-die situations could we avoid if we put in the work and made a real effort upfront? Probably most of them.